Our History

The Agricultural Employers’ Association (AEA) was started as Kenya National Farmers’ (Employers’) Union. The aim was to represent farmers to the government and its role to lobby in support of farmers and protect farmers' interests.
During a meeting held on the 19th Dec 1962 in Racecourse Nakuru, Lord Delamere(Thomas Cholmondeley, 4th Baron Delamere) was unanimously passed as the chairman and J.B Pollard as his Vice by the Executive committee to represent farmers who majority were large scale coffee growers.
In January, 1964 following the resignation of Lord Delamere from his chairman position, the committee elected Mr. J.B Pollard as the chairman and never considered it necessary to elect a vice-chairman.
In February 1966, Kenya national farmers’ (employers’) union adopted a new name- Agricultural Employers’ Association and another election of office bearers of Agricultural Employers’ Association was held.
The meeting which was held in the boardroom of K.F.A, Nakuru unanimously elected J.B Pollard and A.D. Llewellyn-Jones as the chairman and the vice-chairman of AEA respectively. An executive committee of 20 members was also elected.
J.R. Brooke, Esq. from Kitale
L.Van Aardt, Esq. Eldoret
D.P. Musgrave, Esq. Molo
P.E. Hoff, Esq. Njoro
J.N. Brooks,Esq. Koru
C.W. Armstrong, Esq. Gilgil
Maj. Gen. W.A. Crowther Nyahururu
W.R. Carles, Esq. Timau
W.J. Dorrell, Esq. Nairobi
P.H. Leonard, Esq. Machakos
R.Saidi, Esq. Kakamega
S/Chief Samuel Ouma Busia
A.D. Liewellyn-Jones, Esq. Nakuru
J.H. Feingold, Esq. Nakuru
J.Block, Esq. Nairobi
P.N. Sifuma, ESq. Kitale
R.D. Horsfall, Esq. Kitale
W.Ngumi, Esq. Nairobi
Lord Delamere Elementaita
J.B. Pollard, Esq. Nakuru
During the meeting it was also agreed to raise an annual subscription fee from members of the Agricultural Employers’ Association as follows:
Persons employing up to 25 adult employees 10/-
From 26-50 adult employees 20/-
51-100 adult employees 40/-
Over 100 adult employees 60/-
As at December 1966, AEA had 340 members.
AEA was registered in 1966 under the Trade Unions Act Cap 233 of the Laws of Kenya as an Association representing the collective interests of employers in the Agricultural Industry in matters connected with the employment of labour.
In the same year, National Social Security Fund was introduced to employers and the Labour Department suggested to employers to convene barazas to educate their employees on its importance. Farmers employing 10 or more employees (including themselves) were to register and only non-residents employed on short-term contracts were excluded.
Employers were to contribute to the Fund 5% of the wages paid to casual employees, but such contribution was not to be credited to any member’s account in the Fund.
In 1968 the chairman reported a satisfactory position with regard to membership. AEA had a total of 426 paid-up members and 26 unpaid members.
In January, 1969 Mr. Peter G.W. Anderson was elected the chairman and Mr. H.W. Kaufmann his vice during AEA’s annual general meeting held at Stag’s Head Hotel (now Merica Hotel) in Nakuru. Mr. Anderson succeeded Mr. Pollard who had led for 3 years.
In July the same year, a working party was formed to discuss the future of AEA after a proposal was made to dissolve it without establishing an alternative organization on grounds that there were no profits made and the association was living on debts since members were not paying their subscription fees.
Questionnaires were circulated to members and approximately 280 returns out of a total membership of 423 were received. 239 of the received were in favour of AEA continuing, 20 wanted it terminated and the rest wanted neither.
In February 1972, Mr. H.W. Von Kaufmann took over from Mr. Anderson and became the chairman of AEA after he was duly elected. Mr. I.K. Aradi and Mr. E.N Andwait became his deputy and vice chair respectively.
After four years of service, Mr. von stated his desire to step down as the chairman and his Deputy, Mr. I.K Iradi was proposed as the new chairman which was agreed to unanimously.
Mr. J.N. Brooks became his deputy chairman and Mr. J.K. Mbugua his vice chairman. This was in June, 1976 during an AEA AGM.
In 1977 a New Cotu levy was introduced and adapted by AEA for the farm employees. A deduction of 2/- per month from employees who were included in the check off was to be made for twelve consecutive months deposited directly into Cotu’s bank account.
In June 1978 during the annual general meeting, an election was conducted and for the first time in the history of AEA, an African was elected as the chairman of the association.
Mr. J.K Mbugua succeeded Mr. I.K. Aradi and Mr. N. Brooks became his deputy.
In 1978 after the death of Mr. J.B Pollard (second chairman and an exec committee member), an executive meeting was held, it was everybody’s concern that large farms were being bought by African farmers who were not interested in joining AEA. Most members were of the opinion that an incentive be given to African farmers who joined to encourage more but that was found impossible after some discussion.
In 1984, AEA membership had reduced drastically having lost about 52 members in the past one year. This was due to sub-division of large farms and lack of publicity. It was agreed a publication to ‘Farmer’s Voice’ magazine be made to create more awareness.
By 1990 there was an increment in membership compared to the previous years as it stood at 215 and the subscription was increased by 50%.
As at 1998 the subscription fee was as follows:
1-100 employees 5,000/-
101-200 employees 7,000/-
201-200 employees 14,000/-
501-1000 employees 25,000/-
For every 100 employees
over 1000 or part thereof 2,000/-
In 2002, Mr. J.K. Mbugua retired from his chairman position. He had served the Association as the chairman from 1978-2002 making him the longest serving chairman in the history of AEA. Members however continued to seek his counsel and advice until his demise.
Lt Col (Rtd) B.G. Mwarania assumed office as the AEA chairman in April 2002 after an election and J.P Brooks took the position of the vice-chairman.
In 2003, Mr. Jimmy Brooks was proposed for election as chairman of the Association and he ascended to the position by the virtue of having been the vice-chairman. Mr.Ole Kamwaro Martine was proposed as the vice chairman and it was seconded by another member.
In 2006 during the preparations of the AEA 43rd AGM, members discussed on elections and it was agreed Mr. Ole Kamwaro Martine be proposed for the position of the chairman. Mr. S.P. Kruger was proposed as the vice-chairman and both seconded by members which others agreed to.
In 2007 the Association’s membership stood at 161 with 150 fully paid and 11 were yet to pay the year’s subscription.
In 2008, Mr. S.P. Kruger became the chairman and Mr. Simon Harris the vice-chairman. Mr. S.P. Kruger served for 2 years before Mr. Apollo N Kiarii succeeded him in 2011 and Mr. D.B. Mousley took over as the vice-chairman.
In 2011 it was noted by the committee that during the lobbying process, KELA AND KEPSA would be useful. It was therefore agreed to affiliate the Association to the organizations as from 2012. Since its inception, AEA was affiliated to FKE until 2015 when the affiliation was terminated. At present, AEA remains affiliated to KEPSA, KAM and AIN.
In 2013, Mr. Nelson Rotich was elected the chairman serving for 2 years. Mr. Abdi Sora (current chairman) succeeded him in 2015 whereby a committee of 23 members was also elected. He is deputized by two vice-chairs; Mr. Jimmy P. Brooks and Ms. Eva Okallo.
Today, the Agricultural Employers’ Association has 206 members spread across the country. Its membership covers a wide range of Agricultural employers i.e. Livestock farming (both dairy and beef), wheat growing, maize farming, wildlife ranching and conservancies, horticulture and floriculture, mixed farming and service providers to the Agricultural sector called Associate members.