AEA 2023 CSR
Theme: Providing a safe, healthy and loving haven for abandoned and destitute children Dear Member, AEA believes in instilling happiness and hope in hopeless situations by giving back to the society through CSR activities. This in the past years has been successful because of your immense support and contribution.
We cannot adequately express the value you all have added to the lives of all the needy people we have fund raised for. We believe in nurturing a society where we care for one another and our efforts to touch and change lives are never successful without your input.
It is that time of the year where we once again get to give back to the society and as an Association we have identified a needy institution; House Of Mercy Children’s Home in Githurai 45, Nairobi that exists to rescue children who have been orphaned, destitute, with HIV/AIDs, abandoned, in the streets, abused (physical assault/ defilement) and those with physical disabilities.
To create awareness on the prevalent cases of children being abandoned, sexually abused, discriminated due to their HIV/AIDS statuses and disabilities, the effects and the need to rescue and offer them care and protection, the Association has organized a charity hike to Mt. Kilimambogo on Sarturday, 28th October 2023 from 9am.
This is therefore a humble appeal to you to help us in this noble initiative to improve the lives of these kids by making whatever contribution you seem fit. The donation can be personal or corporate.
How to participate in the hike at Mt. Kilimambogo As an individual, register by making a contribution of Ksh. 2,000/=. All climbers will be issued with the event branded Tshirt, a walking/climbing stick and water.
Companies are encouraged to sponsor their employees to hike/climb Mt. Kilimambogo.
How to sponsor the cause; 1. Individual/private participation
2. Corporate Sponsorship
Any other sponsorship will be at the discretion of the member. All participating Companies shall be issued with a certificate of appreciation.
To make donations- send to AEA Mpesa Paybill number 585714, account number- nameofcompanyCSR2022 or raise a cheque.
Date to visit the home and present the mobilized funds shall be communicated after the hike.
RSVP Agricultural Employers’ Association P O Bo x 17783-20100 Nakuru Tel: 051 – 2216744 0722/736 – 557039 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,