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AEA QUARTERLY PRAYERS MEETING Rev. Delton Orgeness of AGC Lakeview church joined the Secretariat of the Agricultural Employers' Association - AEA in their quarterly prayers to usher in Q2 of 2024. The sermon which was led under the theme "Measuring what Matters" was biblically drawn and encouraged the members of staff to work undivided and do what each can diligently without caring who takes the glory. |
AEA REPRESENTATION IN THE LAUNCH OF THE MASTERCARD FOUNDATION Research and development officer represented the Association at the launch of the second phase of the Mastercard foundation. The Mastercard foundation offers financial and technical support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in over 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Association was part of the panel discussants, where it provided insights on the challenges affecting employment opportunities to young women and men and people with disabilities in the Agricultural sector and offered way forward on the same. |
AEA VISIT MEMBERS IN NAIROBI AND NAIVASHA REGION The Association member of staff in charge of membership visited members in the Naivasha region among them ADC, Bigot Flowers PLC, Rift Valley Roses (K) Ltd, Charles Nightingale, Marula Estates Ltd, Vitaplant Kenya Ltd, and Aquila). The purpose of the courtesy call was for the Association to show appreciation to the members, get feedback on the Association support to individual members, discuss challenges members are facing and help maintain a positive relationship. |
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