On the 2nd day which was the climax of the event presented an opportunity to interact with the presiding ELRC Judge of Mombasa; Lady Justice Monicah Mbaru as she brought into perspective the Emerging Legal Issues in the Workplace and Business Environment in line with Human rights and inclusivity in the workplace, a session that also addressed Legal aspects and practical implications of labor outsourcing.
NITA Director of Industrial Training and Skills Development Ms. Jane Kamau helped understand how to develop future skills for industry sustainability as she addressed various other issues affecting the industry including the training levy and reimbursements.
The peak of the day was a session on Intricacies of Managing Remote and Hybrid Teams by Mr. Nicholas Kibet where he explained in detail the expectations of each generation and the challenges of managing a multigenerational workforce at the workplace.
AEA wishes to appreciate all participants, sponsors and partners who made the 4th Agricultural Employers’ Annual Conference a success.